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Laurielle Prema
RYT-200 Yoga Instructor

I started practicing yoga for health and stress management and I feared it would be a “step down” from the high intensity training I was used to. I quickly realized I was wrong. Yoga can indeed be a powerful physical endeavor and holds many more surprises than a simple exercise regime. With the guidance of Waleah Walker-Norton and Red Earth Yoga Center, I became a certified instructor in 2017. Since then, I have delved deeper into the tradition, including into its softer side. Yoga has helped me see the beauty in the play between stepping up to a welcome challenge and letting go of its outcome.


I take on the role of mom to an exceptional little boy and of French teacher at Oklahoma State University, in addition to teaching yoga in the US and in France. No matter where I am and what students of life are present, my passion is to live by the Heart and to be Love in its most unconditional form. I believe yoga has something of Love to offer to everyone.

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